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Showing posts from November, 2019

ACCR(Aluminum Conductor Composite Reinforced) by 3M vs. ACSR

ACCR versus ACSR Customer demand for power grows, renewable generators wait for interconnection, and intermittent resources demand more flexibility from aging infrastructure. Yet dense populations, environmental concerns, permitting requirements, and land scarcity intensify the schedule, budget and regulatory risks of building or rebuilding lines. To solve these challenges, 3M developed Aluminum Conductor Composite Reinforced (3M™ CCR). 3M ACCR is an advanced transmission conductor designed to replace ACSR or ACSS on existing structures at the same tensions and clearances, giving you up to twice the capacity without the risks of a major construction project. Your line is in service fast, within budget, and with minimal environmental impacts. And the available trapwire options may help improve the line’s efficiency. To know more about 3M's ACCR, please their product catalogue. ACCR 3M Catalogue