PRODUCT REVIEW: RM-18 WATTHOUR PORTABLE METER TEST SYSTEM Review on RM-18: Product for ensuring kilowatt-hour meter accuracy Non-technical loss in an electric utility in the form of pilferage can be in many forms. Many ways of stealing electric power can be done in the current technology today. Direct tapping, installation of jumpers, and meter tampering are just a few of those methods used to pilfer energy. Among the methods mentioned, the most rampant method would be through tampering of meter. Likewise, meter tampering can also have number of methods in doing so; the most common would be adjusting the accuracy of the meter . As we all know, meter accuracy is very important not only to the utility but also to the consumer since this is the one responsible for reflecting the actual consumption of the user. Unfortunately, criminal minds use this knowledge for their own benefit by opening the meter and adjusting its accuracy . Reports are usually given to the utility regarding a...
Understanding Loss in Electrical System