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Showing posts with the label Non-Technical Loss

ChatGPT Answers: What is the typical ratio between non-technical and technical losses in a distribution utility?

What is the typical ratio between non-technical and technical losses in a distribution utility? The typical ratio between non-technical and technical losses in a distribution utility can vary depending on a range of factors such as the location of the utility, the age and condition of the distribution system, and the regulatory environment. In general, however, technical losses tend to be higher than non-technical losses. Technical losses are caused by the physical characteristics of the electric distribution system, such as resistance in transmission and distribution lines and equipment inefficiencies, and can account for up to 8-15% of total energy losses in a distribution utility. Non-technical losses, on the other hand, are caused by theft and fraud, meter inaccuracies, and billing errors and can account for up to 5-7% of total energy losses in a distribution utility. However, it's important to note that the ratio between technical and non-technical losses can vary significantl...

ChatGPT Answers: How to start Machine Learning for Electricity Pilferage Detection with Customer Data as variables?

 ChatGPT Answers: How to start Machine Learning for Electricity Pilferage Detection with Customer Data as variables? 1. Starting a machine learning project for electricity pilferage detection with customer data as variables can be a multi-step process. Here's an overview of the steps you might take: 2. Data collection: Collect customer data such as hourly, daily, or monthly electricity consumption levels, as well as customer demographics, location and history of consumption. This data can be obtained from the utility company's billing system or smart meter data. 3. Data preprocessing: Clean and prepare the data for use in a machine learning model. This can include normalizing the data, handling missing values and outliers, and encoding categorical variables. It's important to have a good understanding of the data and its characteristics to be able to make appropriate preprocessing decisions. 4.Feature Engineering: Create new input variables (features) from the raw data that...

ChatGPT Answers: Best Programming Platform to Use for Pilferage Detection Using Machine Learning?

 ChatGPT Answers: Best Programming Platform to Use for Pilferage Detection Using Machine Learning? There are several programming platforms that are commonly used for building machine learning models, including: 1. Python: Python is a widely-used, high-level programming language that has a large and active community of developers. It has a number of powerful libraries and frameworks for machine learning, including TensorFlow, PyTorch, scikit-learn, and pandas. These libraries make it easy to build and train machine learning models, as well as to perform data preprocessing and visualization. 2. R: R is a programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It has a number of powerful libraries and frameworks for machine learning, including caret, mlr, and randomForest. R also has a large and active community of developers, and is particularly well-suited for statistical modeling and data visualization. 3. Java: Java is a widely-used, high-level progra...

ChatGPT Answers: How to Detect Electricity Pilferage using Machine Learning from Customer Data?

 ChatGPT Answers: How to Detect Electricity Pilferage using Machine Learning from Customer Data? Using machine learning (ML) to detect electricity pilferage from customer data can be an effective approach for utility companies. Here's an overview of how this can work: Data collection: Utility companies can collect data on customer electricity usage patterns, such as hourly, daily, or monthly consumption levels, as well as customer demographics, location and history of consumption. Data preprocessing: The data must be cleaned, transformed and prepared so that it can be used to train the machine learning models. This can include normalizing the data, handling missing values and outliers, and encoding categorical variables. Feature engineering: The process of creating new input variables (features) from the raw data. In the case of electricity pilferage this could be creating features like load factor (ratio between energy consumed and peak energy consumption), Non Intrusive Load mo...

ChatGPT Answers: How to Detect Electricity Pilferage?

ChatGPT Answers: How to Detect Electricity Pilferage? There are several ways to detect electricity pilferage, also known as meter tampering or energy theft. Some common methods include: Visual inspections: Utility companies can physically inspect meters and electrical connections to look for signs of tampering, such as bypassed or damaged meters. Smart meters: These digital meters can detect and report abnormal usage patterns, such as usage during hours when the customer is not at home, or usage that exceeds expected levels. Data analysis: Utility companies can analyze electricity usage data to identify patterns of energy consumption that may indicate tampering, such as usage spikes at night or on weekends. On-site investigation: Utility companies can perform on-site investigations to check for connections to the electricity supply that bypass the meter, check for tampered with or bypassed meters or hidden unauthorized consumption sources. Mobile detection units: Some companies use mob...


Factors/Risks associated with increase in distribution’s systems loss Increase in utility’s system’s kWh loss can be attributed to many factors. We all know that the components of a utility’s systems loss can be from technical loss or from non-technical loss. As a review, technical loss is the inherent properties of electrical equipment and devices during operation while non-technical loss is the result of electricity pilferage, error in meter reading, etc. 


How to detect possible electricity pilferage? We all know that system’s loss is composed primarily of technical loss and non-technical loss. Technical loss is the inherent property of all electrical devices during operation while non-technical losses are caused by electricity theft and/or metering inaccuracies. Technical loss can be determined through computations and the use of measuring devices. On the other hand, non-technical loss cannot be measured nor be computed; instead one has to have various methods just to detect such loss.


Where electric pilferages are usually practiced and applied? Energy theft or pilferage is one of the common causes of non-technical loss in any electric distribution utility. These pilferages  are the losses that are not caused by the electrical characteristics of the system rather it is the result of the intentional attempt to harness power for free. For detailed discussion regarding the non-technical losses, you can always look back to the previous topics .


Authored by: Thomas B. Smith ABSTRACT Electricity theft can be in the form of fraud (meter tampering), stealing (illegal connections), billing irregularities, and unpaid bills. Estimates of the extent of electricity theft in a sample of 102 countries for 1980 and 2000 are undertaken. The evidence shows that theft is increasing in most regions of the world. The financial impacts of theft are reduced income from the sale of electricity and the necessity to charge more to consumers. Electricity theft is closely related to governance indicators, with higher levels of theft in countries without effective accountability, political instability, low government effectiveness and high levels of corruption. Electricity theft can be reduced by applying technical solutions such as tamper-proof meters, managerial methods such as inspection and monitoring, and in some cases restructuring power systems ownership and regulation.


Law for penalizing the pilferage of electricity and theft of electric power transmission line, etc Section 1. Short Title. - This Act shall be referred to as the "Anti-electricity and Electric Transmission Lines/Materials Pilferage Act of 1994." Section 2. Illegal Use of Electricity. – It is hereby declared unlawful for any person, whether natural or juridical, public or private,


Authored by: SALWA ALI AHMED    MOHAMMED ABD EL LATIF BADR    ABLA SOLIMAN ATIA Abstract - Reducing the losses of power distribution systems (technical and nontechnical losses) is an absolutely necessary objective in the sound management of any electrical utility and a major stake for the countries concerned and the lenders. The paper describes the context of losses in power distribution systems and deals more specifically with the corresponding diagnostics and implementation of losses reduction plan. Maneuvers include three main measures, these are: minimization of overload, voltage drop and losses, which are the main role in this paper.


What is an electro-mechanical meter principle of operation? In any electric distribution utility, energy is measured by means of the energy meter (watt-hour-meter) in most cases.  Energy meter which is an integrating instrument accounts the two main factors needed to measure energy, electrical quantities (v, i,) and time(t). The main principle used in watt-hour meters is the “Ferrari Principle”  formulated in 1884 while the induction watt-hour meters later was invented during 1889. An electromechanical / induction-type energy meter, the most widely used energy meter in most utilities, for over a century, works on the principle that when a current carrying conductor is acted on by a magnetic field, the force which it experiences is proportional to the current and the field. It was previously discussed that the operating principles of a watt-hour meter is mainly based on four major systems; the driving, moving, braking and registering. • Driving system consisti...


Continuation of the types of meter related problems which causes power loss. Misrecorded Meter Multipliers One serious problem that sometimes occurs on metering and billing systems is that the meter multiplier is not properly recorded by the billing system. For example, if the correct multiplier is 120 and the billing system has it recorded as 80, both demand and energy billings for the involved consumer will be only two-thirds of the correct amount. Furthermore, this error will not be a one-time occurrence, but will persist month after month, year after year.


What are the different types of electric meters related problems that contributes to power losses? Defective Meters Although electric meters are hardy devices, it is always possible that some of them may develop defects over extended service periods. To ensure that meters on the system will remain accurate, the distributor should implement a periodic meter testing program. Periodic meter testing is required by TVA although testing intervals are not specified. A program meeting current industry standards should be designed so each meter on the system is tested no less frequently than shown in table.


What are the different types of electric meters related power losses? Besides losses found in the power system namely; transmission line loss, substation transformer loss, distribution line loss, distribution transformer loss, secondary line loss, and other electrical device losses, another part in an electric utility where power losses usually occur is in the power and energy recording device specifically for revenue purposes.


What are the other types of electric meters which uses multi-function? A multi-function meter is a combination device that performs the functions of instruments, transducers, and meters. It is flexible, allowing the user to monitor many quantities simultaneously. It contains a central processing unit (CPU) for the calculation and digital display of desired quantities. Most multifunction meters can be user configured to normally display a few quantities simultaneously while all quantities can be read using push buttons on the front of the device or via remote monitoring.


What are the different types of electric meters indicating and recording devices? Types of Meter Indicating and Recording Devices Each meter has a device that records the measured quantity. An electric meter usually has a register, which registers the integrating load. The demand meter has an indicating, graphic (recording), printing, or digital device. Digital device meters may also have communications circuitry to permit remote monitoring of the measured quantities.


What are the different types of electric meters used in power and energy reading? An electric meter is a device that measures and registers the integral of an electrical quantity with respect to time. The term “meter” is also used in a general sense to designate any type of measuring device including all types of electrical measuring instruments. Use of “meter” as a suffix to a compound word (e.g., voltmeter, ammeter, frequency meter) is universally accepted. However, in this chapter the narrow meaning of “electric meter” is used.


What are the different types of non-technica loss? The Non-Technical Loss is the component of Distribution System Losses that is   not related to the physical characteristics and functions of the electrical   System, and is caused primarily by human error, whether intentional or not.   Non-Technical Loss includes the electric Energy lost due to  pilferage tampering of meters and erroneous meter reading and/or billing. 


NON-TECHNICAL LOSS BREAKDOWN What are the different types of non-technical loss? ELECTRICAL METERS FOR POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM USE What are the different types of electric meters used in power and energy reading? ELECTRICAL METERS CONSTANTS AND REGISTERS What are the different types of electric meters indicating and recording devices? ELECTRICAL MULTI-FUNCTION METERS What are the other types of electric meters which uses multi-function? METER RELATED POWER LOSS IN POWER SYSTEM What are the different types of electric meters related power losses? TYPES OF METER RELATED PROBLEMS IN POWER SYSTEM PART 1 What are the different types of electric meters related problems that contributes to power losses? TYPES OF METER RELATED PROBLEMS IN POWER SYSTEM PART 2 Continuation of the types of meter related problems which causes power loss. ELECTRO-MECHANICAL METER FOR DISTRIBUTION UTILITY ENERGY MEASUREMENT What is an electro-mechanical meter principle of operation? INVEST...