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Showing posts with the label Factors for Analysis


What is the use of power factor in power system? Power Factor is defined in the fundamentals of electrical engineering as the cosine of the phase angle between the voltage and the current. An inductive circuit is said to have a lagging power factor , and a capacitive circuit is said to have a leading power factor indicate, respectively, whether the current is lagging or leading the applied voltage. (Stevenson Jr.)


What is loss factor and how it is used in system's loss analysis? When a loss study is performed on a particular item of equipment, peak load conditions are often assumed in the first analysis. After peak load losses are determined, the cost of these losses is computed using the calculated demand cost of losses . After peak load losses are figured, the total energy dissipated in losses over a year must be determined.


What is load factor used for in power system? Load factor in electrical context is defined as the ratio between the Average Load of the electrical system to the Maximum Demand that it attained. This is factor is used to determine the level of difference between the average load to the peak load. Like the Demand Factor , Load factor is also expressed in percentage form.


Factors for Load Behavior Analysis Load behavior affects the performance of the  system. Likewise, the losses also depends on this. Load profile of any electrical system is deemed not to be absolute,there are what we call the peaks and valleys. Due to the nature of electricity usage, the level of electricity demand varies significantly hour by hour, day by day, week by week , and so on. As a result, load analysis must also varies depending on the seasonality. As an example, suppose an ordinary household uses there lights from 6pm to 11pm, if we try to compare the level of power demand between time 7am and 7pm, a huge electricity demand difference can be observed. This is all because the demand differs from one time to another and it is just wise to know that analyzing load behavior must also be dynamic. Consequently, due to varying load levels, losses in the system also varies depending on the present level of electricity demand. Losses on electrical components decreases and ...