Now that we all know where all these electrical power came from, let us now refresh our minds to the elementary informations pertaining to the principles and computations of this electrical topic. One may find this a very primitive discussion,but for the sake of leveling the battle field, let us proceed with this anyway. Before we get invloved with the underlying principles of System's loss Analysis, the following topics listed below are essential for the better understanding of the matter in hand. Transmission & Distribution Line Analysis Short-Transmission Line Medium-Transmission Line Long-Transmission Line Bundled Conductors Conductor Parameters Transformers Open Circuit Test Short Circuit Test Transformer Loss (Hysteresis, Eddy-current, Core and Copper Loss) Parallel Operation Efficiency (Maximum & All-day) Power Triangle Apparent Power Reactive Power True Power Power Quality Equipment Automatic Voltage Regulator Capacitors Some topics that are n...
Understanding Loss in Electrical System