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Abstract - Reducing the losses of power distribution systems (technical and nontechnical losses) is an absolutely necessary objective in the sound management of any electrical utility and a major stake for the countries concerned and the lenders. The paper describes the context of losses in power distribution systems and deals more specifically with the corresponding diagnostics and implementation of losses reduction plan. Maneuvers include three main measures, these are: minimization of overload, voltage drop and losses, which are the main role in this paper.

Also, the paper has developed precise and effective technique, and method for the analysis of the loss reduction problem. For the subsequent development of action  it solves 'the prevailing  problem, through  a systemic approach. The developed research work provides the application of the proposed GA for multi-objective programming to solve the reconfiguration in a distribution system. Six different objectives are considered here in conjunction with network constraints. The GA has been tested with promising results on a 32-bus radial distribution system. The proposed algorithm can be applied efficiently to large systems and the connectivity of the network can be easily described.

Introduction - Every element in a power system (a line or a transformer etc) offers resistance  to power flow and thus consumes some energy while performing the duty expected from it. In order to study power losses in a distribution network, which constitute a portion of the total losses in electrical power systems, the logical first step is to understand the complete picture of power systems losses. Figure1 explains General Connection between generation and distribution systems, Distribution systems are not 100% efficient [1]. 1.Generation (Production), 2. Transmission (Transportation), 3.Distribution (Retailing).

The efficient use of electrical energy will slow the destruction of the environments natural resources and will also reduce the cost of electricity for the consumers. These paper studies losses in electrical distribution networks, the losses in power distribution systems can be classified as technical and non-technical looses. As
shown in Figure2.

Conclusions - This paper deals with the electrical losses in distribution system which can be divided into technical and non technical. Study of the factors affecting both types of losses has been presented. The magnitude of energy dissipation or the unavoidable component of technical losses depends largely on the system configuration, pattern of loading of distribution conductors, magnitude and types of loads, characteristics of equipments etc. In this paper, there is a formulation of the feeder reconfiguration to reduce technical losses and balance the load of distribution network under normal operating condititions. The calculation of the technical losses in the sample network was calculated using multi criterion algorithm.  Multi
criterion algorithm has been used to reduce the system power losses. This algorithm is based on reconfiguration of the system under study, while observing the over load and voltage drop combined with system loss to reach the optimum configuration for the system. Results of the paper show that the multi criterion algorithm has succeeded to reduce technical loss for all sample networks of the system to reach the
acceptable limit.

Non technical losses, NTL such as unanticipated increases in system losses due to equipment deterioration over time, but are usually ignored in any calculations. System miscalculation on the part of the utilities, due to accounting errors, poor record keeping, or other information errors may also contribute to NTL [12]. 1. Non technical losses are calculated by the use of statistical analytical methods for detecting electricity theft by analyzing utility billing information.2. Smart Grid  can capture the identification and reduction of nontechnical losses through aggregation of load and  collecting  voltage data at points throughout the network, figure 11 shows that  modern meters that can delete non technical losses [13].


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