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SYNERGEE 4.0 GRID-STYLE REPORTS BASIC TUTORIALS AND FAQsTutorials about dealing with reports in synergee analysis results.

The grid-style reports serve the same purpose as any SynerGEE report, except add a host of new features over the older HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language – markup language for web pages) reports.

How can I tell when I’m looking at a grid-style report?
A grid-style report is in a condensed table format, looking much like a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with an explorer to the left. The initial coloring schema is similar to the older HTML reports, but the table and explorer layout are somewhat different. For example, a grid-style report allows the explorer items to be expanded and collapsed.

Do I have to use Grid-Style reports?
No. In you output options you can select HTML report generation only. However, you are encouraged to use grid-style report as they are available, because of their enhanced features.

I turned on grid-style reporting in my output options, but I am still getting HTML reports for some analyses. Why?
Currently, a grid-style reports are only available for certain analyses, such as load-flow, load allocation, and fault. If you have SynerGEE set to produce grid-style reports, but one is not available, a traditional HTML report will be generated instead.

Benefits and Tips
Appearance (colors and fonts)
With a grid-style report, you have significant control over the colors and fonts that are used, chapter by chapter. To edit colors and fonts, right-click on the report itself and select Properties.

Hiding and Reordering Columns
In a grid-style report, you can reorder the columns simply by dragging a column to a new location. You can also hide entire columns by right-clicking in the column header area.

Filtering and Sorting
All columns in a grid-style report provide filters which dynamically update the contents of the report. You can also double-click on column heads to auto-sort the list ascending or descending, according to the respective column’s values.

Showing Exceptions Only
A report can be instantly reduced to items with exceptions only, by pressing Ctrl+E or selecting Report>Only Show Exceptions.

Automatic Map Coloring
You can send report values directly to the map for automatic range coloring. On the report, select a set of cells, right-click, and select Map Selected Cell.

Adding Custom Rows
By right-clicking on a report, you can select Insert Row to add your own custom row, and add any data you choose. You can even use Excel-type equations within cells to perform mathematical operations based on the other cell values.


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